The Southborough Library will be closed Monday, February 17 in oberservance of Presidents' Day.

Southborough Library
Southborough Library

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Support the Friends!

You’re just a few clicks away from helping your neighbors discover a love of literature, a passion for community enrichment programs, and a soft spot for visiting our region’s arts and cultural institutions. The Friends are honored to help underwrite activities for youth through adults and we can’t do it without you!  Donate today

Donate to the FriendsThere are several ways to donate to the Southborough Library. All donations to the library are tax-deductible. You may donate online through PayPal by scanning the QR code to the right or by clicking here.
Donations can also be made via mail with a check made out to: 

The Friends of the Southborough Library
25 Main Street
Southborough, MA 01772